Thursday, October 18, 2007

Benefit for Christine Kimm Rodman - Friday, Oct 26

Please attend the upcoming benefit for Christine Kimm Rodman. Christine was our classmate in gradeschool and you can see her right in the center of the 4th grade photo on this blog (in the navy and white sweater). She is the daughter of Larry Kimm and Sara Harrison and granddaughter of Martha Kimm.

This benefit will be held on Friday, October 26th from 4-7pm at the Mt. Vernon Fire Station. Proceeds will go toward covering medical costs for Christine, who has been diagnosed with breast cancer.

If you would like to donate, monetary donations can be sent to:

City Hall
c/o Christine Rodman fund
213 First St. W
Mt. Vernon, IA 52314

This was also posted in the Advertiser. For more information call Diane Kimm, 319-642-3778.

Monday, October 15, 2007

David Unruh

Check out David and his family! David is married to Kimberly and they have two very cute children, Nathaniel and Noelle. They live in Colorado Springs and David is in the Air Force. He plans to retire in two years! If we could all be so lucky... He just may win the "First to Retire in our Class" award. =)

You may remember his parents, Cecily, who taught Home Economics and Don, the Choir teacher. Here they are at 14,110 feet, the summit of Pike's Peak, with David's son Nathaniel.

Friday, October 12, 2007

Jacoby Women - Next Generation

After graduation, Heidi Jacoby made her home in Texas and continues to reside in Grapevine. She works in accounting for one of the largest law firms in the nation. Heidi has been working in accounting for the last 10 years. Her daughter, Tyreesh, is now in high school. Here is Tyreesh's Drill Team photo. I bet she has the boys after her! Runs in the family...