Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Reunion Plans Heating Up - Need your help!

It's time to get rolling on the reunion plans! The event is Saturday, July 5th at the Fireside Winery, starting at 6pm. Plans underway include venue setup, food and beverage, and audio/visual equipment. We're doing our best to keep costs down for everyone involved. With that in mind, here are three questions posed to all classmates:

1) Who has a cordless microphone we could use for the event?
2) Who has a projector we could use to play a slideshow of Kindergarten through 12th grade photos?
3) Do you have photos you'd like to submit for the event?

I'm keeping a photo library and will pull together the slideshow. Please email me photos so we have a rounded out assortment with all classmates included. Here's a good one of "study hall".

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