Thursday, April 24, 2008

Tom & Kim in Texas

Tom and his wife, Kim, have been married for 15 years. They reside in Fort Worth with their three children: Mattie, Ketrick and Aidan.

Tom is now the Managing Partner of Karsten Financial, LLP. He graduated in 1992 from the University of Houston with a degree in Kinesiology. Tom was an advisor since 1992 when he joined Pearson Financial (founded in 1977), which was later renamed Karsten Tax & Financial when he acquired ownership. In 1995, Tom earned his MBA from Texas Christian University and received his CFP designation. In addition, he is an Enrolled Agent (EA), which is a federal license to practice taxation issued by the US Treasury Department.

Tom plans to attend the 20 Year Class Reunion on July 5th! Good timing for us, that his relatives in Marengo planned their family reunion the same weekend.

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